Der neue Flaming Fist Kenpo Martial Arts Akademie Trailer ist fertig.

Wir von empty hands e.V., Flaming Fist Kenpo Germany sind stolz ein Teil der Martial Arts Akademie zu sein.

Vielen Dank an unseren Head Instructor Senior Professor Matt Snell, 7th degree Black Belt, für die unermüdliche Unterstützung.

The new Flaming Fist Kenpo Martial Arts Academys trailer is ready.

We from empty hands e.V., Flaming Fist Kenpo Germany are proud to be a part of the Martials Arts Academy.

Many thanks to our Head Instructor Senior Professor Matt Snell, 7th degree Black Belt, for his tireless support.

Flaming Fist Kenpo – empty hands e.V. Flaming Fist Kenpo Germany 2021